Thursday, October 31, 2019

Rhetoric & Sterotypes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rhetoric & Sterotypes - Essay Example 1996). However, it seems that stereotypes have become woven into the human mind because no matter how insignificant, everyone has stereotypes formed about someone. In particular, the stereotypes of politicians, people with tattoos, feminist, and senior citizens are worth discussing. Politicians help run our legislative system. They are elected by the general public to represent their interest in the government on both the local and federal levels. Sometimes we elect representatives that represent our interest, while other times they represent â€Å"the highest bidder†. I have grown up hearing that politicians are corrupt and greasy; the power ends up corrupting their purpose. This can be seen with all the lobbying and special interest groups that now play a role in our representative democracy. When talking about politicians, stereotypes usually reflect a negative outlook with conversations mostly talking about political corruption and shady dealings with corporate owners for tax breaks. Tattoos are a form of body art that have foundations across most of the cultures of the world. The art of tattooing has been around since ancient times. Some of the common stereotypes held about people who have tattoos are: â€Å"being unsuccessful in school, coming from broken homes, having an unhappy childhood, rarely attending church, having poor decision making skills, usually obtaining further body modification while inebriated and being an easy victim of peer pressure† (Martin & Dula 2010). Many people have learned to associate tattoos with â€Å"destroying your body.† Due to the conflicting nature of tattoos, a generalized consensus would be hard to draw due not only to the popularity of tattoos, but their glorified nature in Hollywood as well as on television. The Feminist Movement focuses on the gender inequalities that exist in society and promotes women’s rights in every aspect of life. Radical feminism has lead to feminist having a negati ve appearance especially when talking about men. â€Å"People imagine a stereotypical image of an angry, man-hating, unattractive woman with hairy armpits screaming irrationally about imagined insults† (Gladen, 2008). The biggest component of the stereotype is male bashing and women supremacy. What started as a genuine movement for gender equality developed into a movement in which radical women wanting to become superior to men and have them feel the way women have been treated for ages. Gerontology is a specific study in psychology which deals with the aging process of the elderly. Across the world, there are many different views about the role of the elderly in society. In the western hemisphere, it is a common practice for the offspring to put their elderly parents in a nursing home once they are unable to care for themselves. In some eastern cultures, it is customary for the elderly to live with the parents throughout their lives. Elderly people are often viewed as ineff icient in society due to the lack of mobility and self reliance from biological and psychological aging. This negative stereotype about being a burden on their families often leads to depression and other psychological illnesses in the elderly which could eventually lead to suicide. There is some truth to all of the stereotypes. Stereotypes are ways for us to self associate/disassociate from people that are similar/different. Like all things in society, some stereotypes will hold true, even with some people conforming to that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Cultivating Culturally Responsive Leaders Essay Example for Free

Cultivating Culturally Responsive Leaders Essay The purpose of this study is to make school administrators aware and familiar with the challenges and obstacles ELL students encounter. With such a growing population of ELL students, teachers are having to become more and more aware of instructional strategies. Teachers are now being held accountable more than ever for their student’s performance and need to make sure every student makes learning gains. With South Florida’s increasing ELL population teachers are struggling to get these students, whose first language is not English, to speak, read, and write proficiently in English before they take the FCAT or by the end of the year to be able to show learning gains. This case study will take place at Winston Park K-8 School. Winston Park is located in a suburban, middle to lower class multiethnic community in the southwest section of Miami-Dade County. The student population is composed of eighty-six percent Hispanics, nine percent white, one percent black, and four percent other. Sixty percent of the students are eligible for free and reduced lunch, 46% are ELL, six percent are SWD, and four percent are gifted students. Average daily attendance is 98%. There is a total of 96 instructional staff members. Ninety-one percent of the instructional staff is highly qualified. Twenty-six percent of teachers have received advanced degrees. Parental involvement is high and growing. The student interviewed is an eight-year-old third grade student. Gabriela came from Cuba in March of 2012. Gabriela and her family came from Cuba in search of freedom and a better life. Gabriela came to the United States with her father and mother. Gabriela states that they lived in a poor neighborhood and struggled to get the little food that they did to put on the table. After school Gabriela would go to work with her mom at a farm to pick fruits, vegetables, and even milk cows. Gabriela has showed great growth in the one year that she has been in the Miami-Dade County Public school system. Although Gabriela has attended Winston Park from the beginning of this school year, this is the second school she’s attended in the district since arriving from Cuba. Gabriela’s mom informed that she was very unhappy at her previous school but that now Gabriela loved waking up in the morning to attend school. Even though both of her parents work they are very involved in her studies and will stop at nothing to make sure Gabriela gets a good education. Gabriela is not your average recently arrived ELL student. In the short time she has been here, Gabriela has learned to read, write and comprehend English just as well, if not at times better than many of her non-ELL classmates. Gabriela has made Honor Roll every nine-week grading period and was even referred to be tested for the gifted program. In this case study we will answer how do ELLs, their parents, teachers, and other stakeholder understand ELLs academic experiences in school and how can administrators work be informed by a case study that focuses on ELLs and their experiences in Florida schools. Literature Review In reviewing literature based on paired reading and fluency increase, I found several sources that supported my hypothesis that pairing low (ESOL) and high (Non-ESOL) students during reading is an effective intervention. These findings are particularly significant to those educators who are seeking ways to help students with reading fluency difficulty. Reading fluency is important for comprehension. When students read efficiently and accurately, then they can comprehend what they read more easily. In primary grades, students learn to read but in upper elementary grades students read to learn. What is fluency? According to the National Reading Panel (2000), fluency is the ability to read text aloud with speed, accuracy, and proper expression (Armbruster, Lehr, Osborn, 2001; Meyer Felton, 1991; Rasinkski, 2003). Fluent readers can recognize the majority of the words they read automatically without having to decode individual words; they are ble to dedicate their attention to the ultimate goal of reading: comprehension. Fluency is the bridge between word recognition and reading comprehension (Kuhn Stahl, 2000; Nathan Stanovich, 1991; Rasinksi Padak, 2004). While studies have not determined the ideal number of times necessary to achieve reading fluency, researchers say the more times the better. A typical reader needs to read a passage four times to reach maximum fluency levels (National Reading Panel, 2000). Beginning readers and struggling older readers tend to read slowly, haltingly, and with little or no expression. Often as a result, text comprehension is affected, confidence levels are low, and they do not enjoy reading. Therefore, fluency is and should be a primary goal of literacy instruction. The oral reading fluency norms for grades 1-5 are: 1st 53-111, 2nd 89-142, 3rd 107-162, 4th 123-180, and 5th 139-194 (Hasbrouck Tindal, 2006). While conducting my research, I found different types of reading interventions that can help increase an ESOL student’s fluency: Choral Reading, Duet Reading, Audio-Recorded Books, Echo Reading, and Paired Reading (Hudson et al. , 2005; The Partnership for Reading, 2001). In choral reading, a group of students read aloud from the same selection. The teacher can read along to set the pace and model targeted skills. Students can improve their fluency skills, including appropriate pausing and expression, by reading along with a group of readers or with a strong reader as a partner (Hudson, 2005). In duet reading, a stronger reader is paired with a less-fluent reader. The stronger reader sets the pace and provides visual tracking by moving his or her finger below each word as it is read in unison. In audio-recorded books, the student reads aloud with an audio-recorded version of a book. The purpose is to encourage the weaker reader to read along with the tape. In echo reading, the adult reads a short passage and then invites the child to â€Å"Say what I say† or â€Å"Copy me,† encouraging the child to repeat what the adult has read (Robertson Davig, 2002). In this way, the adult models fluent reading and then provides the child with an opportunity for immediate practice. In paired reading, children who are struggling with reading fluency are paired up with a more capable reader. In this strategy, the fluent reader and reader take turns reading by lines or pages (Mathes, Fuchs, Fuchs, Henley, Sanders, 1994). In evaluating the different types of reading interventions, I found that paired reading is the most commonly used to increase fluency. According to the report of The National Reading Panel (2000), guided repeated oral reading is the most effective procedure for developing reading fluency (Kuhn Stahl, 2000; Rasinski Hoffman, 2003). Paired reading was originally developed as a strategy for parents and children reading at home, but it is easily adapted for classroom use in intervention lessons (Morgan Lyon, 1979; Topping, 1989). Paired reading requires the reading partners to read aloud. Reading aloud to elementary school students can have many beneficial effects; it improves their language skills, motivates them to read on their own, makes students familiar with books, and expands vocabulary (Saban, 1994). Research indicates that repeated paired reading leads not only to improving in reading the passage but also improvement in decoding, reading rate, expression, and comprehension of passages that the reader has not previously seen (Dowhower, 1994; Kuhn Stahl, 2000; National Reading Panel, 2000). Rasinski and Fredericks (1991) reported on a paired reading project launched by the Akron, Ohio Public School System; the results of the project suggest that paired reading also helped improve reading performance but in addition helps improve reading motivation and child bonding. Studies on paired reading showed that students of all ages can make extraordinary reading gains. In one study of paired reading over a period of six to ten weeks, students made a gain of at least six months in reading (Limbrick, McNaughton, Cameron, 1985). In another study, students made an average of three months gain for every month of paired reading. The less proficient readers were not the only ones who benefited; the student who served as the tutor also made substantial gains in their reading abilities (Topping, 1989). In summation, the characteristics of the paired reading instruction (positive one-to-one collaboration between skilled and less-skilled readers, reader engagement, practice, evidence of progress, and reader expression) support my hypothesis that pairing a low and high student during reading is an effective intervention for fluency increase. It may promote rapid turnaround in reader proficiency for less-skilled readers. Furthermore this finding is particularly significant to those educators who are seeking ways to help students with reading fluency difficulty. Method Three people participated in this study: Gabriela, an eight-year old student in third grade and an ESOL level one, her mom and the teacher, Mrs. Sanz. Everyone has given full consent and agreed to interview with us and give us information on Gabriela and their culture. Every person interviewed was cooperative and helpful throughout the interview. The teacher was a crucial part to our interview since she is the one who works directly with Gabriela on a daily basis and can best describes her strengths and weaknesses. During the interview, we asked Mrs. Sanz to please provide us with information and data about Gabriela. We explained to her teacher and mother that all of Gabriela’s information would be kept confidential and that her name would be changed for privacy purposes. Some of the data we collected was from the SAT (Stanford Achievement Test), FAIR (Florida Assessment in Instruction and Reading), and the CELLA (Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment). While the teacher pulled out useful pieces of data she gave us a synopses of how Gabriela is in class and how she is getting along with all the other students. Mrs. Sanz feels she’s a bright young girl (probably gifted) with lots of potential. She is self-directive and puts forth maximum effort. Mrs. Sanz also told us Gabriela enjoys helping the other students in class. Mrs. Sanz feels this may be due to the high level of importance her parents have instilled in her regarding school. Sandra, Brenda and Mrs. Sanz all discussed and analyzed the data and we identified all her strong areas as well as a few minor weak areas. Sandra Ramallo and Brenda Gomez conducted the study. Sandra and Brenda were both present at all interviews and had the opportunity to talk to each interviewee. Since the study was conducted by both Sandra and Brenda the work load was distributed amongst each other. Brenda worked on the introduction, method, findings, and consent forms. Sandra worked on the literature review, discussion, and the transcription of the interview.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas In The Movie Wall Street Philosophy Essay

Ethical Dilemmas In The Movie Wall Street Philosophy Essay WALL STREET is an American movie directed by Oliver Stone. It Street takes us to the front lines of an industry that has recently undergone a decline in values and ethics that once were the cornerstone of American business. The movie deals with many ethical issues. The movie portrays two characters in particular; one is Gordon Gekko, a wealthy unscrupulous corporate player, played by Michael Douglas and Bud Fox, a young and dynamic stock broker, played by Charlie Sheen. The main focus of the economic aspects of the movie is how greed contributes to our society. The movie begins with Bud Fox, who spends his work time calling people to sell them shares and to provide them investment plans. He is quite desperate to get to top. He aims to sell shares to Gekko, make him his client. Bud is a young stockbroker who comes from a working-class family and Gekko is a millionaire who Bud admires and wants to be associated with. Buds father is a blue-collared airline maintenance foreman. He works for Blue-star Airline, which has a prominent role in the movie. Bud is so desperate to make Gekko his client and so reaches his office one early morning to wish him on his Birthday and pitches him some stocks which he had been analyzing over some time. However Gekko seems unimpressed. Realizing that Gekko might not do business with him, he passes on insider information regarding the Blue-star Airlines where his father works. The information is that the Airline was involved in some crash case and that the airline will be exonerated in that crash case and thus wil l come over the suspension and will look at expanding services. Thus, after this information revelation Gekko becomes Buds client. One of the issues covered in this movie is of Insider Information. This will be discussed in detail later in the text. An appreciative Gekko takes Bud under his wing, but compels him to unearth new information by any means necessary, including becoming a partner in a cleaning company to gain access to confidential files in the offices of the clients of the cleaning company. Thus in an effort to become wealthy Bud resorts to wrong means. Bud becomes wealthy, enjoying Gekkos promised perks, including a corner office with a view, a penthouse on  Manhattans Upper East Side. Gekko asks Bud to buy large quantities of stock in a paper company, Teldar, a failing company which Gekko wants to takeover and turn around. Bud does this by enlisting his friends as  straw buyers  of the stock and giving them a cut of the proceeds (Here as well he uses his friends as a means to support his wrong doings by offering them a share of his salary. In a way it accounts for bribery, another ethical issue). It is at the Teldar annual stockholders meeting where Gekko gives his infamous Greed is good speech. There is a fa mous quote which Douglas says as follows: Greed for lack of a better word is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed you mark my words will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. In the road to perdition, Bud does several acts which are against his principles but still to achieve confidence of his boss, he does them. These tasks include following Lawrence Wildman, business rival of Gekko to trace his movement and analyze his possible actions. In this way again Gekko ends up making millions of Dollars. Bud in the mean time gains complete confidence of his boss. He suggest and idea to Gekko. The plan was to buy Blue-star airlines and expand it using the savings achieved by union concession. Bud approaches his father to get union support for this turnaround of the company. The situation takes a dramatic turn when Bud learns that Gekko plans to sell off Bluestars assets and in the process, thus leave Carl and the entire Bluestar staff unemployed, however making Bud extremely rich as the president of Bluestar. Angered by Gekkos decision, and burdened with the guilt of being a scapegoat to Bluestars destruction, Bud chooses his father as his mentor and resolves to foil Gekkos plans. He creates a plan to keep Bluestar airlines out of the reach of Gekko. He decides to keep the stock prices move down so that Gekko decide to sell of his stock, and at that lower price he convinces Gekkos rival Mr. Wilderman to buyback the stocks, who then becomes the airlines majority stock owner. Gekko, whe n realizes that his stock has plummeted, finally decides to dump his continued interest in the company. Thus, Bud again used wrong means of manipulating stock prices, but this time for the good of his people.   Gekko, eventually comes to know that Bud had engineered the entire scheme. So, the following day, when Bud jubilantly goes back to work, everyone was curiously in a grave mood. He is confronted by the police and the  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), who had became doubtful of Bud when they detected that he placed an unusually large buy order of Teldar stock, which was monitored and thus picked up by StockWatch. Bud is placed under arrest, handcuffed, and taken out of the office in tears. In the end Bud meets Gekko in central park where Bud is viciously attacked by Gekko. Gekko in innocence while assaulting him mentions of his involvement in the illegal business transactions. Bud actually records all his acceptances in a recorder, which he later hands over to the police. CHARACTERS CENTRAL TO THE MOVIE: Bud Fox: Bud Fox as a person is very ambitious stock broker who makes $50,000 a year in salary. His father is Carl, who is a worker at BlueStar Airlines. Bud was offered a job at Bluestar Airlines, however he declined the offer because he wanted to pursue his dream. He believes he must make himself a major player in the market at any cost and later in the film he proves this to us. His goal is to bag the elephant which means doing business with one of the bigger investors in the financial markets of Wall Street. He is an ambitious person and the way he purchased expensive gifts like cigars in order to get opportunities shows his go-getter attitude in life. Gordon Gekko: Gecko is an arbitrager in the business world. An arbitrager is one who searches for information about firms that are wreck able. Once a potential firm is found and taken over the arbitrager can then make lucrative profits through liquidation of the taken over companies assets. One might say that Gecko is driven by greed because he doesnt care about those people in the company or their future only his bank account. He has all the wealth in the world, but still he lusts for more and more of it. He value information the most, information obtained by any means. In the pursuit of his goals he looks for poor but smart people who could go that extra mile to get him information. He understood that his greed cannot stand all by itself, thus he strategized to spread his greed over to his workers. By making Bud greedy for more money, a better life-style, status etc. he made Bud do all the tasks which he otherwise would not be ready to do. He convinced the young stock broker that GREED IS GOOD. The eastern philosophy that greed is the starting point of self-destruction becomes true in Gordons case. Carl (Buds Father): The character is played by Martin Sheen. He plays an important character in the movie. He is the person who changes Bud at the right moment. He makes him realise that the best thing in the world is to create value, not to buy and sell dreams for others. It is because of Carl that Bud undergoes a change of mind and decides to act in a way that is for the larger good of the society rather than his personal good. Also Carl has very high moral values as was justified by his actions of not letting himself be involved in selling off the company to Gekko and his support or the unions. Effect of movies on Society: Movies in particular and Mass media in general has a strong impact on the society. The roles that are portrayed in movies leave a long term mark on its audience. Movies form an ideal mode of communicating ones ideas to a large group of people. Thus, one should be very sensible while trying to address an issue to the audience. The way the hero portrays himself in the film will be emulated by the fans and this might end up having serious consequences. In the  attitude  of the hero throughout the film,  he will not show any respect to any individual. As these film stars have got a huge number of fan followers,  the attitude portrayed by the hero in the film will be seriously followed by the fan followers also in their real-life situations. It is not only the uneducated youth who follow stars blind folded but also the educated people who know in the mind that all this does not make any sense, but accept it by heart. Ethics in movies: Thus, as we have seen that movies have a major impact on the society, this source should be used to spread ethical behavior, virtues in the society. There have been many tries in this direction, which include movies like No Country for Old men, Blood Diamond, Wall Street. These kinds of movies move the audience and make them think as what is right and what is wrong. Thus, we should try preaching these concepts of ethics through motion pictures. ISSUES: The issues that we thought could be discussed with ethical angle were Insider information Bribery Manipulation of stocks Each of the above issues will be discussed in detail. These issues are so relevant in the current market conditions. But still in order to tackle these issues, stringent laws have been made by the government. But still such cases do happen, examples could be taken of Billionaire galleon group founder Raj Rajarathnam, Anil Kumar, Board member on ISB. INSIDER INFORMATION: Insider trading  is the trading of a  corporations  stock  or other  securities  (e.g.  bonds  or  stock options) by individuals with potential access to non-public information about the company. In some of the countries the law says that members inside the organization can trade, if this trading is done in a way that does not take into account the non-public information. n the United States and several other jurisdictions, trading conducted by corporate officers, key employees, directors, or significant shareholders (in the U.S., defined as beneficial owners of ten percent or more of the firms equity securities) must be reported to the regulator or publicly disclosed, usually within a few business days of the trade. But still insider trading is supposed to be increasing the cost of capital for issuers, thus hampering the economic growth. There are two types of insider trading based on the laws in the country, Legal insider trading and illegal insider trading. Legal Insider trading: Legal trades by insiders are common, as employees of publicly-traded  corporations  often have stock or stock options. These trades are made public in the US through  SEC filings, mainly  Form 4. Prior to 2001, US law restricted trading such that insiders mainly traded during windows when their inside information was public, such as soon after earnings releases. Section in law clarified that the U.S. prohibition against insider trading does not require proof that an insider actually used  material nonpublic information  when conducting a trade; possession of such information alone is sufficient to violate the provision.   For example, if a corporate insider plans on retiring after a period of time and, as part of his or her retirement planning, adopts a written, binding plan to sell a specific amount of the companys stock every month for the next two years, and during this period the insider comes into possession of material nonpublic information about the company, any subsequent trades based on the original plan might not constitute prohibited insider trading. Illegal insider trading: Rules against insider trading on  material non-public information  exist in most jurisdictions around the world, though the details and the efforts to enforce them vary considerably. The United States is generally viewed as having the strictest laws against illegal insider trading, and makes the most serious efforts to enforce them. A trading done by a 3rd party on the information given by the person related to the company would account for Insider trading. A new implication for the Insider trading law has been formed, it is misappropriation theory. It says that  anyone who misappropriates (steals) information from their employer and trades on that information in  any  stock (not just the employers stock) is guilty of insider trading. AMERICAN INSIDER TRADING LAW: United States has compiled many laws to curb insider trading. US has been on the fore-front to make laws directed at curbing insider trading. These are:- Common law SEC regulations Although there have been many counter arguments for legalizing Insider trading in US. There are many Economists and legal scholars who argue that laws making insider trading illegal should be revoked. They say that by having non-public insider information the investors are benefitted, by more quickly introducing information in the market. Others argue that Insider trading is a legal pact between the seller and buyer, wherein seller owns the property (legally). BRIBE: It is an act wherein an individual in order to be benefitted by any other individual or to get any favor done gifts something to that individual. Bribery, a form of pecuniary corruption, is an act implying money or gift given that alters the behavior of the recipient. Bribery accounts for crime, no matter in what circumstance it is given. Corruption and bribery goes hand in hand, corruption has social and economic consequences on people and business around the globe. Corruption has been considered evil by people everywhere in the world. Most are given to public officials to make them change the rules or break the laws that were made for the common good. We can take examples from our daily lives, when we are caught without license, the first thing we do is pay bribe to the police officer so that he may let us go. Bribe may be given in two cases, one is given when we want the authority to change the rules all together and the other is when we want to expedite the process. In the movie as well we see the Bud Fox in order to park money of Gekko into the accounts of his friends offers them incentives. In the book, the economist a mention of a very important point is made, that people act as per incentives. Thus, in order to meet his ends Fox induces his friends to be accomplice in the process. MANIPULATION OF STOCKS: Market manipulation  describes a deliberate attempt to interfere with the free and fair operation of the market and create artificial, false or misleading appearances with respect to the price of, or market for, a  security. Market manipulation is prohibited in the United States  and other countries by acts in the respective companies.  The Act defines market manipulation as transactions which create an artificial price or maintain an artificial price for a tradable security. This manipulation can occur in several ways:- Pools: This includes an agreement wherein a group of traders delegate authority to a single manager to trade for a specific period of time and then share the profits or loss. Churning: When a trader places both buy and sell orders at about the same price. The increase in activity is intended to attract additional investors, and increase the price. Runs: When a group of traders create activity or rumors in order to drive the price of a security up. An example is the  Guinness share-trading fraud  of the 1980s. In the US, this activity is usually referred to as  painting the tape. Ramping: Actions designed to artificially raise the market price of listed securities and to give the impression of voluminous trading, in order to make a quick profit. Bear Raid: Attempting to push the price of a stock down by heavy selling or short selling. In the movie we see that, Fox in order to take revenge on Gekko, asks his fellow traders to start selling the stock so that the stock prices plummets the stocks of Blue star Airlines, so that Gekko gets rid of the stock without getting much hurt. In the same way we have seen that in order to increase the stock price earlier in the movie, he asks his friends to advise their respective clients to purchase stock of interest. Ethical Theories: In the movie the ethical dilemmas that we see primarily is the difference in the ethical valuation that Bud, Gekko and Carl do. Some of the theories highlighted are: Gekko is a person having psychological egoism. He believes that all actions are prompted by selfish desires. It maintains that self-oriented interests ultimately motivate all human actions. Another theory that comes across is the deontological theory, which states that we all have certain clear obligations we have as human beings such as to care for our children, and to not commit murder. In the movie Carl shows moral values where he chooses his union and co-workers at Bluestar airlines over sharing profit made by his son. Consequentialist theory is also one of the principles that we see in the movie being highlighted. This theory states that An action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more favorable than unfavorable. When Gordon Gekko thinks his thinking can be termed as unethical based on this theory. This is because the bad consequences of his action like the Bluestar employees losing their jobs and the Shareholders losing their money far outweighs the good consequences of Gekko getting huge returns on his investment. Social Contract Theory In the movie Wall Street, Gekko can justify his actions according to the above theory. This theory propounds the view that persons moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement between them to form society. In the place Wall Street, there exists a dog-eat-dog world. Therefore in order to survive one has to adhere to Wall Street norms. Bud as a newcomer has to adjust in order to stay and flourish there and not try to change it. CONCLUSION: The movie Wall Street portrays a very strong social context emerging on the Wall Street, where competition and the urge to make more money have left no room for ethical decision making. This movie sensitizes us with a dilemma which a young dreamer faces when he faces the practicality of the real world. In order to make big bucks he has to make a decision against his moral principles. He does take it, however sooner realizes that this chase for money is a never ending chase and will make a monster out of him. He therefore retraces his steps back. Although it came at a cost of him getting arrested, he had no qualms regarding his decision. Concluding about the actions taken by the characters in the movie can be controversial, as suggested because both sides can give their points based on different theories and explanation; however as a group we strongly feel that Bud did make a very ethical decision. Everyone does mistakes. As a newcomer, it was natural of him to get impressed by the bigwigs of the industry. However what distinguished him was the force and strength of his character, by which he listened to his own true inner voice. In the last scene when Bud fox encounters Gekko he very truly and aptly says to Gekko that I guess I realized, Im just Bud Fox. As much I wanted to be Gordon Gekko, Ill always be Bud Fox.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Media Chronicle: The Academy Awards Essay example -- Media

Ever since I was a little girl, my mom used to have me watch movies in English so I would get better at the language. That activity soon developed into a longtime love for watching movies of all kinds. From comedies to dramas, I found that movies gave me a certain space for myself and showed me new places and worlds to explore. That love of movies led me to discovering one of the biggest influences in my life: The Academy Awards. I was ten years old when I first watched the ceremony and being so young at the time, all I knew was that a group of celebrities gathered to celebrate movies. Yet, as time went by and as I kept getting older and more knowledgeable about the awards, they became something more to me. The show not only changed my perspective about movies, but it also gave me a new insight into what I want to do with my life, and about the power of dreams and choices. Historically, the Academy Awards were created in the late 1920s by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) which was founded in May 1927 by Louis B. Mayer, an executive of MGM studios and thirty six other members. These awards were created as a way to help the film industry advance and develop in different and important aspects and to also recognize achievement. Most commonly known as the Oscars, the first ceremony took place on May 16, 1929 at the Blossom Room of the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel and it was a modest affair with the winners having been announced three months earlier and the presentation lasting roughly five minutes. The following year a Los Angeles radio station covered the ceremony and as time went by, the development of new technologies brought the rise of television during the 1950s. It was the year 1953 when the first TV broa... ...ds not only represent the greatest achievements in filmmaking, but to me they represent the love of movies, of dreams coming true, of opportunities being given and of lives being changed. They have changed my life and I am sure they will continue to do so. Just as movies will always be present in my life, so will this piece of media; reminding me to be better, to take risks and to make bold and wise choices that can take me far. Works Cited - "History of the Academy Awards | Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences." | Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Web. 01 Feb. 2012. . - "Academy Awards, the Most Famous Awards Ever." Fun Film Talk, a Great Place to Chat about Movies and Filmmaking. Web. 01 Feb. 2012. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Federal Reserve

The U. S. Federal Reserve System ECO/372 Sundeep Jain The U. S. Federal Reserve System The Federal Reserve System was founded by Congress in 1913. It was created to be the central banking system of the U. S. The Federal Reserve is designed as the superior monetary financial system of our country. The role of the Federal Reserve and its influence on the countries’ banking system has increased. The Federal Reserve System of the United States is what makes the financial wheel move. The Federal Reserve System is also known as the Central Bank of the United States.The Great Depression forced an overhaul of the state of the Federal Reserve System at that time. During the depression, many banks closed its doors and aslo many companies failed due to bankruptcy. Consequently, the unemployment rate increased to levels unheard of. The Federal Reserve System monitors and controls the banking system of the United States. One of its major responsibilities of the Reserve System is to maintai n the stability of the financial system and offers financial assistance to the countries’ banking institutions.Another responsibility is to oversee the economic stability of employment within the nations’ interests. Another responsibility of the Federal Reserve System of the United States is to stabilize the price of goods and services. The Federal Reserve System is responsible for overseeing and supervising the financial institutions operating within the United States territorial jurisdiction. In addition, the Federal Reserve System is responsible for conducting research to maintain the current state of economy and help keep it running.While it carries out its responsibilities, the Federal Reserve is independent of the main government body and is not involved with the governments’ day-to- day operations. Members of the board are appointed by the President. Also, any profits the Federal Reserve makes in revenue, are returned to the United States Treasury. The Fe deral Reserve was created to be protected from short-run political and economic pressures. The Reserve System operates on its own revenues and not money appropriated by Congress. The earnings come from interest earned from its portfolio and from money received for services provided to financial institutions.The Federal Reserve System is located in our nations’ capital, Washington D. C. It is the Overruling financial power of the U. S. The FED has the sole power to regulate all related policy. This includes things such as fixed income rates, and then deciding factors of the supply of money. The Federal Reserve System is comprised of twelve Federal Banks scattered throughout the country. Each Bank is given sole power over all commercial banks in its area. These banks oversee that all banks in its district comply with any and all rules and regulations.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Living in a Lifeboat

In his 1974 paper titled â€Å"Living on a Lifeboat†, Garrett Hardin reduces growing populations and immigration to a metaphor of living in a lifeboat. The premise of the paper is that each country is like a lifeboat, only capable of handling a certain number of people. Once that capacity is reached, there runs a risk of upsetting the balance, and overturning the lifeboat, or society. If the lifeboat is already at capacity, then no more can be let on the boat, as well as no more can be born on the boat, until there occurs a death, creating a space for someone new. The United States is a lifeboat, and there are many people foundering in the ocean, wanting a chance to board our lifeboat, since it would yield a good, fruitful life. However, admitting many people would be detrimental to the health and success of the lifeboat. Of course, with this idea, there arises many ethical and moral issues, along with the practical. These can be looked at through many viewpoints, but t he most favorable one is the viewpoint of oneself, and your own survival. Since Hardin proposes that the United States lifeboat only give wisdom, not food, to other foundering lifeboats, we could incorporate the idea of one Jonathan Swift, and pass this wisdom onto other lifeboats, thus increasing their chances at survival. Hardin first observes that the people residing in the lifeboat could take a Christian or Marxist viewpoint of the whole matter. That is, try to help all of the people who are looking to join your lifeboat. If this were to occur, the occupancy of the lifeboat would soon far exceed the capacity of it, and it would sink, killing all aboard, including oneself. His second observation is that there is a limited number of empty spaces aboard the lifeboat. Thus a small number of people can be admitted to your lifeboat. But then arises the question, how do you decide who comes on. Is it a first come, first served basis, or should there be a sele... Free Essays on Living in a Lifeboat Free Essays on Living in a Lifeboat In his 1974 paper titled â€Å"Living on a Lifeboat†, Garrett Hardin reduces growing populations and immigration to a metaphor of living in a lifeboat. The premise of the paper is that each country is like a lifeboat, only capable of handling a certain number of people. Once that capacity is reached, there runs a risk of upsetting the balance, and overturning the lifeboat, or society. If the lifeboat is already at capacity, then no more can be let on the boat, as well as no more can be born on the boat, until there occurs a death, creating a space for someone new. The United States is a lifeboat, and there are many people foundering in the ocean, wanting a chance to board our lifeboat, since it would yield a good, fruitful life. However, admitting many people would be detrimental to the health and success of the lifeboat. Of course, with this idea, there arises many ethical and moral issues, along with the practical. These can be looked at through many viewpoints, but t he most favorable one is the viewpoint of oneself, and your own survival. Since Hardin proposes that the United States lifeboat only give wisdom, not food, to other foundering lifeboats, we could incorporate the idea of one Jonathan Swift, and pass this wisdom onto other lifeboats, thus increasing their chances at survival. Hardin first observes that the people residing in the lifeboat could take a Christian or Marxist viewpoint of the whole matter. That is, try to help all of the people who are looking to join your lifeboat. If this were to occur, the occupancy of the lifeboat would soon far exceed the capacity of it, and it would sink, killing all aboard, including oneself. His second observation is that there is a limited number of empty spaces aboard the lifeboat. Thus a small number of people can be admitted to your lifeboat. But then arises the question, how do you decide who comes on. Is it a first come, first served basis, or should there be a sele...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How Sustainability Achieved When Using Central HVAC And VAV System For

How Sustainability Achieved When Using Central HVAC And VAV System For How Sustainability Achieved When Using Central HVAC And VAV System For A Building – Coursework Example ACHIEVING SUSTAINABILITY WHEN USING CENTRAL HVAC AND VAV SYSTEMS FOR A BUILDING The fundamental importance of central HVAC andVAV in a building cannot be overemphasized. The assumption is that heat, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) are straight forward when it comes to constructing a building that meets the relevant requirement. Achieving sustainability is of the essence when using HVAC in a building. To achieve sustainability it necessary to employ a high performance HVAC with an integrated building design. The integration of the two components ensures a reduction in the cost of energy. It is, therefore, important to select an HVAC that is capable of minimizing consumption of energy. An energy efficient design integrated with a high performance HVAC ensures sustainability in a building by saving on the cost of energy (Kaabouch & Hu 2012, P.165). Variable air volume (VAV) is a fundamental component required for building just as the HVAC. Achieving sustainability is critical wh ile employing VAV in a building. Most of VAV used in building have a single minimum control strategy that is employed in construction. However, single minimum control strategies do not ensure sustainability in buildings. The single minimum strategy does not ensure sustainability in the sense that when it reaches the set point, it does not cool or heat effectively making the VAV flow of air higher than the specified limits. To ensure sustainability, it is important to employ the dual maximum strategy (Appleby 2012, p. 313). This strategy ensures that as VAV get to the heating mode, it is broken down into two spheres. The approach ensures that airflow and reheating are significantly controlled effectively leading to reduction in energy loss (Appleby 2012, p. 313). BIBLIOGRAPHYKaabouch, N., & Hu, W. C. (2012). Energy-aware systems and networking for sustainable initiatives. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.Appleby, P. (2012). Integrated Sustainable Design of Buildings. Routle dge.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Erik A Man Filled With Desires... essays

Erik A Man Filled With Desires... essays God bestows you with a variety of gifts. He gives you what He decides to give you and takes away from you what He decides. For Erik Weihenmayer sight was what God took away from him. Erik was a blind man because God wanted him to be so. It was his fate to be blind. He knew that whatever he did cannot be undone. So he accepted his fate and fought to improve his destiny. He was not blind. He could see the truth. Bestowed with the gift of rigid will, Erik was a man filled with desires. He had the desire to be the best, to have the best family, and to conquer the best mountains. To become the best, Erik trained the best he could. He overcame many obstacles in life, married the woman of his dreams, and climbed the towering peaks of Kilimanjaro in Africa. However, his lifes dream had yet to be fulfilled; he had yet to defeat Mount Everest. By climbing this mountain, he would prove to many and especially to himself that blindness is not a curse. Many people including Erik himself had doubts about finishing the mission. The journey was long. The summit was far, far away. Everest, Eriks dream, seldom forgave climbers. However, with high challenges come high responsibilities. Erik could not let his family or team members down. He fought and struggled for two months and managed to reach the peak at last. He surmounted the blistering winds, the spiky rocks, and the freezing snowstorms of Mount Everest. The mission was completed. Erik has climbed to the tallest point on earth. He literally stood over the top of the world. Everyone had to acknowledge Eriks courage a nd success. Erik could not see, so some people assumed he could not walk, talk, rock, shock, or mock. Alas! He had done what very few humans could do. Blind impressions, such as being lucky to have the first shot of the blind man dead, were forced to fade away. These impressions were replaced with new ones. Erik is now a role model in the community. Erik was blin ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

My significant change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My significant change - Essay Example But for the already born Croesus’s, when things turn upside down it is no less than like a catastrophe for them. This is the narrative of the experience of my friend’s father’s paralysis attack and how it transformed his life both negatively and positively and contributed toward his perspective and philosophy of life. It is the story of his family’s sudden change in fortune which transformed his life of luxury to that one of constant struggle and hardship. Sixteen years ago, it was one fine Friday of summer, encapsulated with seasonal monsoon rains. His father left for work with a promise that he would take them to their private farmhouse to spend the weekend. His mother, a young eastern wife, got busy in the preparation for the evening and he and his other two sisters and brother were counting the minutes in extreme excitement. Life could not have been better, when in sudden shift of fate everything toppled. By noon, their car driver arrived home and requ ested his mother to accompany him to the hospital. The young lady was shaken on this occurrence but prepared herself for something very distressing to come forth. On reaching the hospital, she was informed that her husband had a severe brain hemorrhage and 80% of his body had been affected by the attack.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Reliability of Structures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

The Reliability of Structures - Essay Example Natural structures are those that are not built by people. Their occurrence takes place naturally. On the other hand ‘manufactured structures’ are usually built by people. Many of the manufactured structures are modelled in accordance to some natural structures. Structures when are classified on the basis of their design, categories like ‘mass structures’, ‘layered’, ‘frame structures’, ‘shell structures’ etc. are found. Mass structures are built by piling up similar materials to reach a specific design or shape. Coral reefs and mountains are some of the examples of natural mass structures. On the other side dams, brick walls and sand castles are mass structures that are built by people. A major advantage of mass structures is that their strengths are little affected if some small parts are lost. Mass structures are often found to be having a ‘layered’ look. For instance, pyramids of Egypt are having a layered structure. There are four major factors that are important in order to avoid failure. First of all the structure has to be heavy enough so that it stays in place. Secondly structure must not be so heavy that it affects the earth unevenly. Thirdly the structure has to be thick enough so that one cannot make out of place and finally it must be anchored tightly. Another important type of structure is ‘frame structure’. In case of this structure there is a skeleton which is built of strong materials. This skeleton is then filled with other materials that support the overall structure. Some of the examples are partition walls, load-bearing walls. Shell structures, on the other hand are the structures in which the shape of the structure is kept without any frame or even solid materials inside the structure. The strength and rigidity of this type of structure is dependent on a thin outer layer of materials. Thanks to its

Depression Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Depression Research Paper - Essay Example As a mood or affect or emotional state, depression is part of normal human experience. Feelings of sadness and disappointment are within the vicissitudes of the normal human condition. The distinction between normal mood and abnormal depression is not always clear, although considerable research on diagnostic criteria is underway, and neither psychiatrists nor other clinicians agree on the precise line between normal and psychopathological affective phenomena. Diagnosis is especially difficult for the large number of patients with episodes of mood change in which a recent precipitating event appears significant, especially since clinicians tend to credit depressive reactions to such stressful events when they are apparent. As a pathological symptom, depression often occurs in association with other psychiatric and medical illnesses, which makes precise diagnosis even harder. For example, in elderly people the differential diagnosis between early senile dementia and depression may be difficult. The term "secondary depression" has been proposed to encompass these symptomatic depression states. In clinical psychiatric practice, however, most depressive symptoms are "primary," that is, without apparent association with preexistent or concomitant illness. Each year, between 4 and 8 percent of the population experiences a clinical depressive syndrome, a constellation of symptoms in which the mood disturbance is accompanied by sleep difficulty, change in appetite, retardation of thinking, and attitudes of hopelessness, helplessness, pessimism, and even suicidal tendencies. Moreover, since these symptoms often persist, the diagnostic criteria embodied in the third edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, known as DSM-III, require at least two weeks' duration of such symptoms, plus evidence that their intensity and pervasiveness have impaired the individual's usual social role performance and personal activities. (Brett Silverstein, Emily Blumenthal, 1997). THE BIOLOGY OF DEPRESSION The human brain is extremely sophisticated; indeed, it is far more complicated and versatile than even the most powerful modern computer. It contains in excess of 100 billion brain cells, known as neurones, each of which is connected to many other neurones. If you look at them under a microscope, neurones appear as thin wires connecting little blobs of brain tissue. However, even with strong magnification the neurone-to-neurone connections, known as synapses, are not apparent. Synapses can be electrical but the majority are chemical. A signal from one part of the brain travels to another-as a series of electrical impulses-along neurones. Where two neurones meet, the signal is carried across the synapse by the release of a tiny balloon-like packet of 'neurotransmitter', in which a message-carrying chemical is carefully packaged. Once released into the synapse this balloon immediately ruptures, releasing its chemical contents, which are then free to quickly migrate across the synapse

External trade in cyprus during late bronze age Essay

External trade in cyprus during late bronze age - Essay Example External trade of Cyprus included export and import to and from its neighbouring countries, such as; Egypt, Anatolia, Syria, Levant and Palestine. These trading ties caused the island to have a substantial influence in the region. Foreign trades and resulting ties with the neighbouring countries made Cypriot economy quite significant during the Late Bronze Age. Development of these external relations at different phases will be investigated in a brief manner. This investigation includes the effect of migration and subsequently the transfer of Mycenaean skills, pottery making with the variety of styles and industry of ship manufacturing. Exported potteries and the underlying low quality limited its use to only ointment and oil containers. The paper discusses foreign trade of Cyprus, resulting relations with the trading partners, and its economic, social, and cultural impacts on Cyprus. Cyprus Role in Trading during the Late Bronze Age During the Late Bronze Age, Cyprus had been one of the most significant locations in the Mediterranean trade route; however, it couldn’t compete in popularity with its adjacent wealthier countries. There are several reasons for lacking importance, such as, insufficient information about Cyprus due to the fact that it was not mentioned enough in the written records about Late Bronze Age, and that it was geographically separated from other important nations. Major way of learning about the condition of Cyprus in late Bronze Age is to investigate its foreign relations through the archaeological remains and written texts from that era. Archaeological and textual evidence provide great insight when it comes to investigate and comprehend about the foreign trade in Cyprus during late Bronze Age.1Knapp explains and demonstrates the existence of politico-economic elites in Cyprus during Middle and Late Bronze Age through evidence (qtd. in Knapp 151). Amarna letters of Alashiya suggest that Cyprus had become an influential and affluen t kingdom at least by the 14th century BC. Ruler of the time considered himself on an equal level with Egyptian Pharaoh. This perception may link to the use of salutation, ‘my brother’.2 Cypriot rulers used state agents (called tamkar) in order to carry out foreign trade on massive level. Cyprus Exports Due to disintegration in the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean, Cypriot economy started to become recognized throughout the eastern Mediterranean and export of goods started. Particularly, this recognition boosted the copper production and trade. On Cyprus, ethnic elements of Aegean and Levantine were combined with Cypriot population. Moreover, the capabilities of industrial work started mounting.3 Copper According to the information from textual evidences from Late Bronze Age Cyprus, copper was the central and most exported item from the island during 13th and 14th century B.C. One of the countries that imported the Cypriot copper was Egypt. Moreover, referring to the be liefs in Egyptian texts, such as Amarna letters, Karageorghis (1975) highlights the presence of several mining areas in Cyprus, such as, Troodos foothills in Enkomi. Copper was exported as a major item to mould into weapons during battles while most weapons were made in Aegean. In addition, Cyprus (Enkomi) had huge supply of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Read Plato's Allegory of the Cave Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Read Plato's Allegory of the Cave - Essay Example Because it's all they've ever known, they think these shapes are the reality, but Plato says it's important to try to get these people to come out of the cave to see the true reality by the light of the sun. They will struggle and not want to admit the truth, but if they stay in the sun long enough, they will finally begin to understand. It was difficult for me to think of a time when I was fooled into believing something was true instead of what was real. There are many times when this happens in life, but we rarely want to admit it. One thing really stands out in my mind, though. This is my belief in the United States President George W. Bush. I really didn't pay much attention to politics growing up and thought it was natural to support the President when he called for us to go to war in Iraq to save us from the weapons of mass destruction he knew were there. I didn't think there was any reason for me to question him since he had access to so much inside information. Even after th e fall of Bagdad and the searches we did in that country without finding any WMDs, I still believed the Iraqi's must have hidden them somewhere we just couldn't think to look. After having friends and relatives deployed to that region and seeing so many soldiers being killed, I started to pay more attention.

Exotic Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exotic Animals - Essay Example Every affectionate lick or purr from your pet gives a beautiful feeling. However, there are few people and there is an emerging trend of preferring exotic animals as pets. Exotic animals are pets that generally cannot be characterized as pets and are domesticated either for fun, to preserve their species or as a status symbol. These animals are a sort of creatures that are considered very unusual ones to have as pets. These animals can include reptiles, amphibians, rodent, birds etc. Although there are many exotic animals which are not completely wild in nature they can be trained and taught how to live in houses as pets. These pets need special care and proper environment so that they can live a healthy life. These animals would not always develop a healthy relationship with their owners, which is why it is better that they may be allowed to thrive in their natural environment (Williams, and DeMello, n.p.). There are laws to prevent the sale of such animals around the world because often when some people succumb to purchasing these exotic animals from stores, online or auction it is important to understand how dangerous it is for these people. What I observed in my research throughout was the most painful process of transportation, since trading these animals is illegal. These exotic animals that we sometimes keep as â€Å"pets† usually suffer from malnutrition, loneliness and being trapped in an unnatural environment, cause deaths. We don’t consider the fact that this every precious animal that made it to the store or auctions followed countless of them to be painfully tortured to death (Allen, and Iggulden, n.p.). I always thought these animals are so afraid of being handled and taken care off because of the conditions they are made go through before coming to us. These few things always intrigued me and I always wondered what made them being so afraid. HUNTING AND TRANSPORTATION The hunting and capturing of these animals is usually done in Aus tralia, Africa and from the jungles of Brazil there are a very few laws and regulations preventing these activities. And the few laws which do exist do not motivate their dealers and smugglers to abstain from their activities. Animals that die along the way, their heads range for thousands of dollars. When these animals are hunted, stripped from their natural habitats and transported around the world, they face the extreme conditions. Animals like parrots might have their feet and beaks taped and stuffed in plastic tubes to hide in their luggage. Stolen birds and reptiles are hidden in special vests so that they can bypass x-ray machines at airports. Baby turtles are tapes from the heads and stuffed in socks in great numbers while reptiles like baby pythons are stuffed in CD cases to ship them. A man who got arrested for shipping animals illegally had Asian leopards in his backpack, birds of paradise in his luggage and monkeys in his underwear. These are the deadly conditions in whi ch these animals are moved from and round different countries. In an undercover investigation which was conducted by a welfare organization in a warehouse in Texas and more than 27,000 exotic animals were found painfully subjected to live in crowded conditions, no food, poor ventilation system, and no basic care. Half of those animals died because they were too weak to saved, hundreds of animals were already found dead along with 400 iguanas in shipping crates that were left for 2 weeks because their delivery was rejected with no food and water (Rudy, n.p.). There has been a very similar recent case of bird smuggling which got disrupted by the police the birds were immediately taken into custody. These birds were being transported in a small

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

External trade in cyprus during late bronze age Essay

External trade in cyprus during late bronze age - Essay Example External trade of Cyprus included export and import to and from its neighbouring countries, such as; Egypt, Anatolia, Syria, Levant and Palestine. These trading ties caused the island to have a substantial influence in the region. Foreign trades and resulting ties with the neighbouring countries made Cypriot economy quite significant during the Late Bronze Age. Development of these external relations at different phases will be investigated in a brief manner. This investigation includes the effect of migration and subsequently the transfer of Mycenaean skills, pottery making with the variety of styles and industry of ship manufacturing. Exported potteries and the underlying low quality limited its use to only ointment and oil containers. The paper discusses foreign trade of Cyprus, resulting relations with the trading partners, and its economic, social, and cultural impacts on Cyprus. Cyprus Role in Trading during the Late Bronze Age During the Late Bronze Age, Cyprus had been one of the most significant locations in the Mediterranean trade route; however, it couldn’t compete in popularity with its adjacent wealthier countries. There are several reasons for lacking importance, such as, insufficient information about Cyprus due to the fact that it was not mentioned enough in the written records about Late Bronze Age, and that it was geographically separated from other important nations. Major way of learning about the condition of Cyprus in late Bronze Age is to investigate its foreign relations through the archaeological remains and written texts from that era. Archaeological and textual evidence provide great insight when it comes to investigate and comprehend about the foreign trade in Cyprus during late Bronze Age.1Knapp explains and demonstrates the existence of politico-economic elites in Cyprus during Middle and Late Bronze Age through evidence (qtd. in Knapp 151). Amarna letters of Alashiya suggest that Cyprus had become an influential and affluen t kingdom at least by the 14th century BC. Ruler of the time considered himself on an equal level with Egyptian Pharaoh. This perception may link to the use of salutation, ‘my brother’.2 Cypriot rulers used state agents (called tamkar) in order to carry out foreign trade on massive level. Cyprus Exports Due to disintegration in the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean, Cypriot economy started to become recognized throughout the eastern Mediterranean and export of goods started. Particularly, this recognition boosted the copper production and trade. On Cyprus, ethnic elements of Aegean and Levantine were combined with Cypriot population. Moreover, the capabilities of industrial work started mounting.3 Copper According to the information from textual evidences from Late Bronze Age Cyprus, copper was the central and most exported item from the island during 13th and 14th century B.C. One of the countries that imported the Cypriot copper was Egypt. Moreover, referring to the be liefs in Egyptian texts, such as Amarna letters, Karageorghis (1975) highlights the presence of several mining areas in Cyprus, such as, Troodos foothills in Enkomi. Copper was exported as a major item to mould into weapons during battles while most weapons were made in Aegean. In addition, Cyprus (Enkomi) had huge supply of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Exotic Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exotic Animals - Essay Example Every affectionate lick or purr from your pet gives a beautiful feeling. However, there are few people and there is an emerging trend of preferring exotic animals as pets. Exotic animals are pets that generally cannot be characterized as pets and are domesticated either for fun, to preserve their species or as a status symbol. These animals are a sort of creatures that are considered very unusual ones to have as pets. These animals can include reptiles, amphibians, rodent, birds etc. Although there are many exotic animals which are not completely wild in nature they can be trained and taught how to live in houses as pets. These pets need special care and proper environment so that they can live a healthy life. These animals would not always develop a healthy relationship with their owners, which is why it is better that they may be allowed to thrive in their natural environment (Williams, and DeMello, n.p.). There are laws to prevent the sale of such animals around the world because often when some people succumb to purchasing these exotic animals from stores, online or auction it is important to understand how dangerous it is for these people. What I observed in my research throughout was the most painful process of transportation, since trading these animals is illegal. These exotic animals that we sometimes keep as â€Å"pets† usually suffer from malnutrition, loneliness and being trapped in an unnatural environment, cause deaths. We don’t consider the fact that this every precious animal that made it to the store or auctions followed countless of them to be painfully tortured to death (Allen, and Iggulden, n.p.). I always thought these animals are so afraid of being handled and taken care off because of the conditions they are made go through before coming to us. These few things always intrigued me and I always wondered what made them being so afraid. HUNTING AND TRANSPORTATION The hunting and capturing of these animals is usually done in Aus tralia, Africa and from the jungles of Brazil there are a very few laws and regulations preventing these activities. And the few laws which do exist do not motivate their dealers and smugglers to abstain from their activities. Animals that die along the way, their heads range for thousands of dollars. When these animals are hunted, stripped from their natural habitats and transported around the world, they face the extreme conditions. Animals like parrots might have their feet and beaks taped and stuffed in plastic tubes to hide in their luggage. Stolen birds and reptiles are hidden in special vests so that they can bypass x-ray machines at airports. Baby turtles are tapes from the heads and stuffed in socks in great numbers while reptiles like baby pythons are stuffed in CD cases to ship them. A man who got arrested for shipping animals illegally had Asian leopards in his backpack, birds of paradise in his luggage and monkeys in his underwear. These are the deadly conditions in whi ch these animals are moved from and round different countries. In an undercover investigation which was conducted by a welfare organization in a warehouse in Texas and more than 27,000 exotic animals were found painfully subjected to live in crowded conditions, no food, poor ventilation system, and no basic care. Half of those animals died because they were too weak to saved, hundreds of animals were already found dead along with 400 iguanas in shipping crates that were left for 2 weeks because their delivery was rejected with no food and water (Rudy, n.p.). There has been a very similar recent case of bird smuggling which got disrupted by the police the birds were immediately taken into custody. These birds were being transported in a small

Helping Students Find a Purpose for Their Education Essay Example for Free

Helping Students Find a Purpose for Their Education Essay It has been my observation that many of my best students became intrinsically motivated to put more effort into their education after they have decided on a career purpose. A work or career purpose or mission answers the following question: How do I want my career to benefit others? It is also important to identify who (the population) we want to benefit. An example of a work purpose statement is, â€Å"I want to help those who are sick or injured to heal and rehabilitate. † This statement does not contain a career title, but it provides guidance for exploring a variety of careers that can fulfill this purpose. For example a student with this purpose could explore a variety of careers such as nurse, doctor, physical therapist, nutritionist, athletic trainer, fitness trainer, engineer or inventor of products for persons with disabilities, etc. The career that they choose will depend on their capability and willingness to acquire the necessary skills, education, training and credentials. Ideally the career choice will be one that uses their best talents and is one they will enjoy doing. Do you ever share with students why you chose to work in the field of education? Students need to learn about different careers from adults who work in different career fields and to hear what motivated them to make their career choices. I teach college success courses and I used to wait until the end of my courses to get into career development, exploration and planning. Students did not think about a career purpose until the last week or two of my courses. Recently I started covering these ideas in the second week of my courses so that students would have a clear direction for their education much sooner. Having a career purpose can make their education relevant and is likely to generate the intrinsic motivation to study and learn. Students need to be provided with opportunities for career guidance from counselors, teachers and professors in high school and college. You do not need to be teaching college or career success courses to do this, but can weave in a few questions and ideas into other courses. Here are a few questions you can ask your students so that they can begin a process of self-reflection about their career purpose: 1. What purpose do you want to accomplish in your career? 2. What benefits do you want others to receive as a result of the work you do? 3. What specific populations of people do you want to help? 4. How do you want to contribute and make a positive difference for others? 5. If you were wealthy and chose to work what would you do? 6. What problem or need in the world would you most like to fill or solve? 7. If you knew you could not fail what type of work would you do? 8. What are some natural talents you would like to develop and use in a career to fulfill your work purpose? When we expect students who lack self-knowledge and a work purpose to choose a major and career, we are putting the cart before the horse. Identifying a purpose first will guide students into best career choices. If we help students to determine an appropriate career goal then they will also have a purpose for pursuing a good education

Monday, October 14, 2019

Methods Of Evaluation Of Vehicle Aerodynamics

Methods Of Evaluation Of Vehicle Aerodynamics Part a) Different methods of evaluation of vehicle aerodynamics: In recent years aerodynamics of vehicle has gained a lots of attention because of the major use of negative lift (down force) principle which improves the performance of vehicles. Thus evaluating vehicle aerodynamics has become an important part of car engineering and it is no longer only limited to vehicles initial designing. Several method and tools are used in this process such as wind tunnel testing, computational fluid aerodynamics or track testing. Each of these tools has their special need for e.g.:- at initial design stage wind tunnel can be used and after car is built it can be tested on the track. In the following paragraphs i discuss three mostly used methods i.e. wind tunnel testing, CFD software and track testing. Wind tunnel testing: In 1870s first wind tunnel was designed but until 1960s it was just meant to use for aeronautical purposes but once this method brought to use for automotive purposes, within no time it became an essential part of car developments and provided good environment for aerodynamic evaluation. In the wind tunnel testing method a geometrical shapes or models is mounted in the test section of wind tunnel and air is blown over or sucked through a duct by a fan or number of fans. To make measurements more accurate closely spaces vertical and horizontal air vane are used which smoothes the turbulent flow before it reaches the model. Usually, measurements are taken from a balance on which model is mounted and various visualisation techniques such as smoke and tufts are used to understand the affect of some geometric features on aerodynamic performance. Wind tunnel helps to acquire lots of data such as: Aerodynamic forces drag, lift, side force Variation of these forces and movements with yaw Vehicle cooling drag Affect of aero features Surface pressure distribution There are different types of wind tunnels which are as follows: LOW SPEED WIND TUNNEL also named as SUBSONIC WIND TUNNEL are of open return type or return flow in which air is moved with a propulsion system made up of a huge axial fan which helps in increasing dynamic pressure and thus helps to overcome viscous loss. In this type mach number is kept very low and speed is maintained up to 400 km/h University logo HIGH SPEED OR TRANSONIC WIND TUNNEL is designed to reach the speed close to the speed of sound. Mach and Reynolds number both are important here due to viscous or in viscid interactions. As compared to subsonic wind tunnel, much large scale facilities and pressurized wind tunnels are used. ( SUPERSONIC WIND TUNNEL generates supersonic speed. In supersonic wind tunnel, high pressure ratio is required and to avoid occurrence of liquefaction or condensation drying or pre heating facility is required. ( HYPERSONIC WIND TUNNEL produces hypersonic flow field in test section. It runs with very high pressure ratio and like supersonic; hypersonic also requires pre heating facility. As compared to other types of wind tunnels, hypersonic wind tunnel has more challenges in its designing. Staffordshire University logo ( WIND TUNNEL SCALE: Model scale wind tunnel testing (MWT) plays an important role in aerodynamic development of motorsport vehicles, training and research though now it has been outmoded by CFD. wind_tunnel1 Figure: It is an ideal way to determine the affects of various features and body styles on aerodynamics of vehicles. In model scale testing, model lie between 30%,60%nand they can be be produced by various techniques such as fibre glass, stylist clay models, milled foam and rapid prototype models or a combination of all of these. Model scale testing doesnt needs high running cost as sophisticated test methods such as fitting a moving ground plane doesnt need high expense. In all, if styling method can be utilized than this testing method is a cheaper method to develop vehicle aerodynamics.Staffordshire University logo In spite of all, model scale testing has its own limitation such as: Ensuring geometric similarity: some special features can be difficult to model at small model scale. Reynolds number effects: Reynolds number (Re) of the flow around vehicles reduces with the reduction in scale which then requires an appropriate increase in the airflow. FULL SCALE WIND TUNNEL TESTING (FSWT):- FSWT has totally taken over MWT as it many problems faced during MWT are overcome by using full scale testing: It eliminates the effect caused due to Reynolds number. It totally avoids the cost of production of models. It helps to determine the influence of small geometric changes. Aerodynamics: Radical LMP2 in MIRAs Full Scale Wind Tunnel ( COMPUTATIONAL FLUID AERODYNAMICS (CFD): It is a phenomenon or software used to improve the car aerodynamics. The software provides benefits from number crunching capability of computers used to solve the problems of fluid flow, heat transfer and related processes like chemical reactions with the use of simulations of fluid flow. The fluid here refers to a lot of substances as well which behave like fluids depending on the circumstances they are in, for example, winds blowing around buildings, cooling air flows in a laptop, drugs in asthma inhalers etc. It mainly focuses on affects made by pressure, temperature, density and the velocity of the fluids. It is powerful technique software with a wide range of applications. It is very commonly used software in automotive industry (the method has an ability to calculate the air flows around a vehicle or car), especially in motorsports because of the massive competition. It first came in light in 1990s.The software is now owned by Bar Honda Formula 1 team. The software has always been updated at times as the as the new computer technologies come in. since the software runs of a computer, the speed of the computer processor also plays an important role in improving the performance, in other words, more powerful the supercomputer, more accurate result of CFD process. As the time passes it has become cheaper and advanced.Staffordshire University logo Streamlines under a stock car ( Working process of computational software is divided into phases: First of all, it divides the geometric structure of the object into a set of elements or cell which named as a mesh. The accuracy of the result of CFD totally depends upon the number of cells as higher their number is, more accurate result will be. Secondly, mesh representing volume occupied by the fluid is created. Now, when fluid flow comes into contact with the object, it gets separated into as many cells as possible. Then, computer starts finding out the problem it faced during the second phase. Besides this, it also set up a clear image of interaction of object and fluid flow. Finally, simulation is started and result obtained is analyzed. Staffordshire University logo INSTRUMENTED ROAD OR TRACK TESTING: This testing method has earned lots of popularity in short time as it a very cost effective testing method as all we need to perform this is good weather and cost of renting a track and instrumenting. Aerodynamic drag plays an important role to improve the performance (fuel consumption, speed) of car. These tracks are constructed especially for the vehicles which are new or are under research. The tracks are made under such circumstances that when testing a car it gives the most relevant or most accurate results. DSC_05442 Figure: These tests are used to identify the different properties or aspects in different conditions such as traffic flow, weather (raining, dusty, snowing or at different wind flows) and time of day. The car is made run on the track at different and constant speeds to check the flow ratios with the help of the sensors fixed on both sides of the track. The sensors track the dynamic path of the car which give information about the flows and performance of the cars. The aerodynamic behaviour of the vehicle is then analyzed and the car is again made run on the track with improved or modified aerodynamic properties. Part 2Staffordshire University logo Computational Fluid Aerodynamics (CFD) The science that tries to verify a numerical solution to the equations that govern the fluid flow is called CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). In the recent years, CFD methods have been utilized as an important tool of design analysis within research organisation and industry with the help of supercomputers. In fact, science is now trying for the theoretical-experimental treatment so that results which are obtained in wind tunnel testing can be used to standardize and prove the numerical models. As everything have its dual aspects, so as CFD. It has its own lots of advantages and some disadvantages too which are discussed as follows: MERITS:- A large number of CFD simulations can be performed rapidly and of course it is way cheaper than making a real model and running it in a wind tunnel or an instrumented track. With CFD there is always a greater probability of getting design right first time before manufacturing the actual vehicle because overall concept and shape can be tested. CFD enables the designer to analyze and visualize the flow around the vehicle. It can be done a number of times to facilitate the design optimization. It is much cheaper than to perform a wind tunnel test. Auto optimization is the advanced form of CFD and is considered to be more accurate. In it computational methods that accesses mathematically the obtained results and makes changes to the configuration and the shape of the vehicle. It automatically selects the most suitable design. Automatic mesh deformation is one of the advancement in auto optimization. Performing computational optimization method and automatic mesh together, it is possible to explore geometry changes and the software alters the mesh along with the geometry. CFD technology helps to improve the aerodynamic performance of vehicles and also helps in reducing co2 emmision.Thus, this testing method not only serve a duty for automotive purposes but also helps in keeping environment pollution free. Staffordshire University logo Demerits: No doubt CFD is a best tool among all other ways of determining vehicle aerodynamics but scaling issues can create some limitations to it such as reduicton of transition from laminar to turbulent flows (e.g. boundary layers) or the calculation of separated flow and unsteady wakes.) CFD can make millions of calculations to achieve an accurate result but the final result can only be appropriate for some reasons like: non accurate or less accurate data, scientific knowledge base or reduction in number of calculations by supercomputer. So, there are more chances of making numerical errors since everything relays on computers. Besides this, approximation of result can cause Truncation errors and round off errors are also possible due to the word size available on a particular computer The bottom line is that solutions find by CFD rely upon user-defined elements like: grid generation and turbulence modelling, which will be soon an obstacle facing code developers. It is not yet possible to create full flow field model economically as in mostly vehicles the large scale flow regimes depends on inevitability of transition and turbulence. PART 3 25mph Pressure image:E:25MPH25mph Pressure.gif The pressure is very low (-21.71446) on upper and lower surface of wing .It is more (33.87485) on front tip of wing and also it is less( 23.76770) on front upper and lower surface, it also same on back upper and lower surface of wing. Velocity image:E:25MPH25mph Velocity.gif The velocity is very low (1.854647)on front tip of wing and it is high (6.536719) on upper and lower front surface of it. It is also same on back upper and lower surface of wing. Velocity is really low (9.658100) on lower surface and upper surface of wing but on mid portion of upper surface it is (7.317064) 45mph Pressure image: The pressure is very low (-16.66089) on middle upper and lower surface of wing .It is more (38.92842)on front tip of wing and also it is less( 23.76770) on front upper and lower surface, it also same on back upper and lower surface of wing. E:45MPH45mph pressure.gif Velocity image: The velocity is very low (2.634993)on front tip of wing and it is high (8.097410) on upper and lower front surface of it. It is also same on back upper and lower surface of wing. Velocity is really high (9.658100) on lower surface and upper surface of wing but on mid portion of upper surface it is (7.317064) E:45MPH45mph velocity.gif 65mph Pressure image:E:65MPH65mph pressure.gif The pressure is very low (-1.500165) on upper and lower surface of wing .It is more (33.87485) on front tip of wing and also it is less( 18.71413) on front upper and lower surface, it also same on back upper and lower surface of wing. Velocity image: The velocity is high (6.536719)on upper and lower front surface of wing. It is also same on back upper and lower surface of wing. Velocity is really high (9.658100) on lower surface and upper surface of wing but on mid portion of upper surface it is (7.317064) E:65MPH65mph velocity.gif 85mph Pressure image:E:85MPH85mph pressure.gif The pressure is very low (-16.66089) on upper surface and also low on lower surface(-11.60731) of wing .It is more (33.87485) on front tip of wing and also it is less( 23.76770) on front upper and lower surface, it also same on back upper and lower surface of wing. Velocity image: The velocity is high (8.097410) on upper and lower front surface of it. It is also same on back upper and lower surface of wing. Velocity is really high (9.658100) on lower surface and upper surface of wing but on mid portion of upper surface it is (7.317064) E:85MPH85mph velocity.gif Part 4: Conclusion: Staffordshire University logo As the technology improves day by day the things (automobiles) get cheaper, smaller (size) and advanced. Since there are a lot of ways of aerodynamic testing, but the CFD software is the best way of evaluating the aerodynamic performance of the car. There are a lot of thing which make CFD the best. Like we can also evaluate the aerodynamic performance of the car using methods like wind tunnels but using wind tunnels it becomes far more expensive (making arrangements for the sample model), whereas in CFD we just need a CAD model and everything is done more quickly than any other method. Also if the model needs any changes or modifications it is very easy as compared to making new models for wind tunnels.CFD is more affordable and there is no maintenance required whereas wind tunnels and instrumented tracks needs a lot of maintenance at the time of operation or when free. There are very less or no chances of any errors in CFD (since everything is done with the help of computer) only a human error could affect the results, whereas in the case of track testing and wind tunnels the probability of making errors is more as big machinery or equipments are used which are analyzed by humans (no doubt computers are more reliable). There are lots of models (heavy) which are dangerous to test in wind tunnels in full scale, whereas in CFD the simulation can be performed without worrying about anything. Using the mesh deformation makes the calculations more clear, one can focus on each and every single part the vehicle or model tested as compared to an overall result obtained from track testing or wind tunnels. It takes very less time to carry out the results. So CFD is the best method for testing the aerodynamic performance and it will become better and cheaper as the computers get more powerful and cheaper. Staffordshire University logo

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Henry Thoreau and Science :: Literature Poems Ecology Papers

Henry Thoreau and Science Though best known as a literary figure, Henry Thoreau showed a lasting interest in science. He read widely in the scientific literature of his day and published one the first scholarly discussions on forest succession. In fact, some historians rate Thoreau as one of the founders of the modern science of ecology. At the same time, Thoreau often lamented science’s tendency to kill poetry. Scientific writings coupled with his own careful observations often revealed life to him, but in other ways rendered nature lifeless. Modern-day Thoreauvians are also aware that science has largely become a tool for control and increased consumption, rather than for the appreciation and protection of wild nature. This paper explores some of Thoreau’s reflections on science and "system," and presents his view of the proper role of science in our lives. As will become clear, Thoreau’s worries are occasioned by his own scientific endeavors. His responses to science’s insuffici encies are reformist, suggesting ways to improve and supplement science rather than discard it. Why do precisely these objects which we behold make a world? Why has man just these species of animals for his neighbors; as if nothing but a mouse could have filled this crevice? — Walden (1) Introduction Henry Thoreau, like Goethe before him, showed a lasting interest in science. (2) He belonged to the Boston Natural History Society from 1850 onwards, and read widely in the current scientific literature. Beyond this, Thoreau was intensely interested in the scientific puzzles suggested by his own rambles around Concord, Massachusetts. In the years following Walden’s publication he observed more systematically and tested his hypotheses more rigorously, and published one of the first scholarly discussions on forest succession. Some historians rate Thoreau as one of the founders of the modern science of ecology. (3) At the same time Thoreau often lamented science’s tendency to kill poetry. The scientific writings of others and his own careful observations often revealed life to him, but at other times rendered nature lifeless. (4) Modern-day Thoreauvians are also aware of science’s role in the imperialistic conquest of nature. We love the wild, yet science has largely become a tool for control, commodification and increased consumption, rather than for the appreciation and protection of nature. (5) The proper role of science in human society and in our own lives is thus an important issue. This paper explores some of Thoreau’s reflections on science and "system.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Compare Lamb to the Slaughter and The Speckled Band Essay -- English L

Murder mysteries - Compare Lamb to the Slaughter and The Speckled Band. Murder mysteries all have a similar plot consisting of a body, a motive, a weapon, a suspect, an alibi, and detectives. Viewers and readers expect this in the text, Lamb to the Slaughter and The Speckled Band are no exception. The structures of the two stories are very different, with The Speckled Band story unfolding in chronological order, finding out the murderer right at the end, however in the Lamb to the Slaughter, the murderer is known at the beginning of the story. The two stories are seen from two different points of view, first-person narrator in The Speckled Band as Dr Watson character within the story and therefore limited in understanding and the all-knowing third-person narrator or omniscient in Lamb to the Slaughter as the narrator stands outside the story itself and guide the reader's understanding of characters and the significance of their story. Most murder mysteries have the typical victims, murderers, and detectives; this is especially true in the older murder mysteries by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The Speckled Band has a typical detective, the famous detective being Sherlock Holmes with his deer stalker hat and pipe always deep in thought about the investigation "his arms folded, his hat pulled down over his eyes, and his chin sunk upon his breast, buried in the deepest thought". But in the Lamb to the Slaughter the detectives are so foolish and naives, a complete contrast to Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes comes across as a typical fictional detective. In addition Miss Stoner, in The Speckled Band is a typical victim, vulnerable, anxious, weak and scared. She say's " It is not cold which makes me shive... Arthur Conan Doyle story is set in a period of over 100 years ago. Both of the murders are set in the family home. In the Lamb to the Slaughter, "The room was warm and clean, the curtains drawn, the two table lamps alight." "The bedrooms in this wing are on the ground floor, the sitting-rooms being in the central block of the building," describes the house of Dr Roylott in The Speckled Band. From my perspective I think that the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle story, The Speckled Band is the most successful out of the two, as the author made the main character, Sherlock Holmes such an intriguing and interesting character, which draws the audience in. He leaves the reader in suspense until the end of the story until the murderer is revealed. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories are so well-know due to the stories being turned into films and shown on the television.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Rfid Monitoring System With SMS Essay

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Technology refers to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Over the years, technology brought forth different products that would make man’s life more convenient and enjoyable. The products include, but are not limited to computers, televisions, radio, satellites, light bulb, automobiles, robots, and mobile phones. Others include virtual simulations of real life phenomena like life simulation games, virtual assistants and artificial intelligence. Technology greatly affected mankind as it helped them achieve things which may seem impossible to attain and gain truth and knowledge from things which may seem complicated to decode or understand. Through the years to come, technology will continue to lead man to the path of scientific advancement. A virtual pet is a type of an artificial human companion. Virtual pets differ from real pets as they have no concrete physical form other than the hardware they run on. On the other hand, like a real animal, if a virtual pet is neglected, it can get sick and die. Interaction with virtual pets may or may not be goal oriented, depending on the player. If the interaction is goal oriented, then the player must keep it alive as long as possible and often help it to grow into higher forms. In order to keep the pet alive a player often has to ‘feed’, ‘groom’, and ’play’ with his or her virtual pet. If it is not goal oriented, then the player may experiment with the game by trying out different pets to know which one he or she likes to take care of. A virtual pet can be a simulation of real or imaginary animals in computers, tablets, smartphones, or sometimes, in electronic toys. Virtual pet games are a subclass of life simulation games. Life simulation games are about â€Å"maintaining and growing a manageable population of organisms†, where players are given the power to control the lives of autonomous creatures or people. One thing that distinguishes virtual pets from other simulation games is, it is designed to be ‘cute’ and it has the ability to act out on a range of emotions based on a player’s interaction. Aside from providing entertainment to players, the main purpose of virtual pet games is to teach players the responsibilities of taking care of a pet. A virtual pet game could be used as a training for a person who wants to adopt an animal as a pet. It can help people determine if they are committed to taking care of a real animal. Plus, virtual pet games can be used in lieu of taking care of a real live pet for people who have allergic reactions to certain animals. The Virtual Pet Caretaking Game proposed by the researchers would be a big help for those people who think of having real pets. It will be developed in the android platform which can only be accessible to android phone users. With this game, they can be taught of the responsibilities of having to take care of a pet. Players will often get to enjoy various interactions with their pets such as feeding them, grooming them, playing with them, and giving them gifts such as accessories. The virtual pets, although ‘cartoony’ in design, will often simulate various reactions from real pets such as barking, yapping, purring, enjoying a good old ‘belly rub’, scratching, etc. It will also include a state indicator to determine if a pet is hungry, upset, bored, sick, lonely, and having the urge to defecate or urinate. This game also exhibits realistic tendencies that could happen if a player forgets to feed, groom, or give medicine to his or her pet. These tendencies inc lude death, sickness, and bad odor caused by unsanitary hygiene. Project Context One of the problems encountered in the Philippines can be seen in its streets. There are various stray dogs, cats and other animals that were once part of a ‘family’ (considering some people often think of pets as part of a family) which are now neglected and are roaming the city in search for food and shelter. These pets, due to hunger, unsanitary hygiene, and being exposed to harsh environmental conditions without shelter, often get sick. They could carry diseases that could harm not only them, but also the human beings. Neglected pets such as these are often pitiful to see. If only the people who were once the owners of these animals knew how to take care of a pet, then problems like these wouldn’t arise. Some people often think that having a pet is an easy job. They think that they can manage to take care of their pets even if they have work or classes to attend to. They might tell themselves that they are responsible enough to raise pets and would sometimes rush into adopting one without having enough knowledge on how to take care of it. In most cases, people are not prepared to have pets. There will come a time when they will pay little attention to the pets they once adored and showered affections with. This could lead to the detrimental of their pets’ health or sometimes, even death. Thus, the proponents have decided to develop the Virtual Pet Caretaking Game to train the people before having a real pet. This game will help them know the pet’s needs and wants. Players will learn to be patient and loving with their pets or else the pets get sick or die. This game could also aid the players in choosing the right animal for them to adopt as a pet, in the future. In addition, this game could also be used to determine a player’s commitment to taking care of a real pet. If the pet lived a happy and fruitful life during its virtual lifetime, then this is a good indication that the player or owner of the virtual pet is ready to have a real live pet. Purpose and Description This project is addressed to all people who want to raise a pet for the first time, but do not have any idea of what problems they will face if they do. Many people suffer in the process of raising a pet, because they cannot adjust or even simply understand the behavior of their pets. Health of their pet is not properly balanced and proper hygiene is not consistent due to a busy schedule. But the worse scenario is taken and carried by their beloved pets. Because of health problems, these pets are prone to different kinds of viruses and sickness, less exercise will add up and less attention will boost stress that will affect their behavior, action and interaction to people, and other animals. Virtual Pet Caretaking Game is an application that will let users or players see a forecast of what to do to raise a pet. The player’s main goal in this game is to maintain his or her virtual pet’s health, hygiene, and happiness  bars as great as possible. Through this, players will get to train themselves to become good pet caretakers someday. The game possesses a great Graphical User Interface that will suit to all ages. This means that parents won’t have to worry about guiding their children in playing this game. This game is not only for children, because its goal will suit to all pet lovers out there, and because of its easy to use navigation and controls, the proponents are pretty sure that everybody won’t have a hard time in navigating this game. Mistakes are acceptable if the pet owners learned from it, but if their pets continue to suffer from the same mistakes, it is a different story. The choice is in the players’ hands. Through a virtual pet game, players will get to learn many things about taking care of a pet. General Objective The primary objective of this project is to develop an application that will temporarily replace the role of real pets in people’s lives. The purpose of replacing a real pet is to expose the people who want to have pets, to all situations that they may face if they raise their own pets. Situations like; how to feed, when to feed or what to feed; is very important and would be very crucial in raising real pets. This will teach people the responsibilities one has to do in order for the pet to survive. Watching and understanding their different emotions are important too and letting them grow healthy in the players’ hands is a must! This game is designed for children and adults who want to know their responsibilities in raising a pet. This is also for the pet’s safety; because ignorance of pet lovers can harm them and can boost stress that will greatly affect their emotion, action, and interaction with people. This game will simulate behaviors and characteristics of a real pet, to let a user or a player feel that he or she is raising a real pet. If the user is doing something wrong, the virtual pet will react accordingly. Specific Objectives Below are the specific objectives of the study 1. To develop a game which simulates virtual pets to temporarily replace real animals as pets. 2. To develop virtual pets which can simulate the behaviors of real animals. 3. To teach people the proper ways of taking care of a pet. 4. To assess if a person is suitable in raising or adopting a real animal as a pet. 5. To provide a user friendly interface that suits for all ages. 6. To provide user convenience by implementing simple navigation or controls. Scope and Limitation of the Study The study of Virtual Pet Caretaking Game covers the processes of simulating virtual pets to mimic real life pets to let the user or player feel that he or she is taking care of a real pet. It will include various things that the user can do to interact with his or her virtual pet such as feeding it, grooming it, playing with it, giving it accessories, and giving it medicine if the pet is sick. The game also covers tendencies that could happen if a virtual pet is not treated right, such as sickness or death. If the pet is raised with affections, then the pet will grow bigger and healthier, up to the last days of its virtual life. Like a real pet, a virtual pet will not live forever, so taking good care of a virtual pet is a must, if the player wants his or her virtual pet to live a happy virtual life. However, there are features which the proponents would limit for the game, such as, the game will only be developed in a two-dimensional graphic display and the game will not include social interactions with other players over the internet. Furthermore, by the end of the virtual pet’s lifetime, players can get to assess themselves if they are ready to adopt or raise a real animal as a pet. If the virtual pet lived a happy virtual life, then the player may now adopt or raise a real pet. Otherwise, it can be an indicator that the player needs to have more training in taking care of a virtual pet so that in the future, the player will be ready to adopt or raise real pets.